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International Training Course
on Behavioral and Cognitive Biology

Strategic Partnerships Program of Kyoto University-University of Vienna 

update: 24 Oct 2023

"Primate Vocal Communication and Cognition"

6-10 November 2023

Kyoto North Campus and Inuyama Campus of Kyoto University, JAPAN

The University Vienna/Kyoto University Autumn School is part of a long lasting and fruitful collaboration between the two institutions. Get to know other students as well as leading experts in primate vocal communication and combine lectures with practical experience.

Language: English



Date and Place:

6-8 Nov. @ Science Seminar House, North Campus, Kyoto

9-10 Nov. @ Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Inuyama Campus

Only complete applications received by 15th October 2023 will be considered.

For Students of the Kyoto University, we will be able to support fully travel fees (Shinkansen Express and hotel)!

6 Nov.

9:30- registration

10:00- welcome speech

Masato Nakatsukasa

10:10-11:40 lecture

W. Tecumseh Fitch "Primate Communication and Cognition"

13:00-14:30 lecture

Nicolas Claidière "New insights into the social cognition of non-human primates using automatic cognitive testing"

14:30-16:00 lecture 

Kazuo Okanoya ""

16:00- campus tour

Gao Jie, Ikuma Adachi, Hiroki Koda etc.

17:30- welcome reception

7 Nov.

9:30-  lecture

Coen P. H. Elemans "Embodied motor control of the animal voice"

11:00- bus to Arashiyama

13:00-15:00 field visit @Monkey Park Iwatayama, Arashiyama

Hiroki Koda "Observation of macaque behaviors"

8 Nov.

9:30-   lecture by Christian T. Herbst

11:00-  KURCA talk

Christian T. Herbst "" 

12:15-  bus to BKC Ritsumeikan Univ.

13:30-  practice @ BKC Ritsumeikan Univ.

Christian T. Herbst & Isao T. Tokuda “Sound experiments with excised larynges”

16:30-  bus to Kyoto

17:00-  KURCA poster session with light meals

move to Inuyama campus

9 Nov.

10:00-11:30   lecture

Hiroki  Koda "Vocal and social behaviors in primates"

13:00-15:00  practice

Hiroki  Koda “Programming for analyses of behaviors”

15:00-  Inuyama castle (National Treasure of Japan)

17:00-  social gathering

10 Nov.

9:00-11:30   practice

Ikuma Adachi  & Gao Jie “Comparative cognitive science in chimpanzees” 

13:00-14:00   practice cont.

14:00-15:30   lecture

Ikuma Adachi “Comparative cognitive science of primates”

sponsored by:

Strategic Partnerships Program of Kyoto University-University of Vienna

Department of Behavioral and Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna

Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University, Inuyama


co-sponsored by:

KURCA Multi-layer Network Research Unit

KAKENHI (S) "Evolutionary foundations of communicative behavior: imitation, empathy, and reward" (to Prof. Kazuo Okanoya)

financial supported by the Kyoto University-University of Vienna Joint Grant Program 2023


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